This first set of picture was my first packing & design project. The fake company called "Plum Island Coffee&Creamery" was a very challenging project. I went this an ocean theme since its based in Boston, MA. I think over all it really depicted what I would think of a coffee company.
This project in this collection is the fake wine brand called Paseo Vineyard. Honestly, this was the one I had the most fun with. I went all out with making things feel like a realistic photos of wine bottles being on display outside of a the company. It was really me just getting feet wet into Photoshop more.
These two pieces are fake companies. Ghost Spice is the fake food truck company that sells Mexican food. It is inspired but the idea of a ghost pepper being once of the hottest peppers in the world. Lake Shore Food Bank is a fake food bank Company. It is based on the concept of a town in Michigan and being round the water. The logo actually symbolizes Nature (green), Water (blue), and Food (Red) because without the first two, you would not have food.
This series is about "Cards To Yourself" and how the inspirational quotes could help someone keep moving on in a difficult part of life. I made these cards as a way for people to express their thoughts and memories as well. Each card has a phone to represent it in the Past, Present, or Future so that the reader can constantly keep moving forward.